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Are Older Adults More Likely To Get Receding Gums?

Are Older Adults More Likely To Get Receding Gums?

Receding gums are more likely to affect people over 30, but aging does not necessarily cause it. Gum recession is often a symptom of gum disease, an infection of gum tissues caused by the bacteria inside plaque and tartar. These microorganisms build these substances, which house them, and the acids that they make.People over the…

Dental Hygiene Habits To Help Prevent Receding Gums

Dental Hygiene Habits To Help Prevent Receding Gums

One essential step a person can take to prevent receding gums is to maintain excellent dental hygiene. Most individuals often neglect their gums and focus on dazzling, pearly white teeth when it comes to oral health. However, having healthy gums is just as important as having healthy teeth.Gum recession has the potential to cause tooth…